[Numismatics] Renovatie van 't Placcaet vande munte vanden 21en Julij 1622
mette ampliatie van dien waer nae alle ende yeghelijcke ingesetenen der Vereenighde Nederlanden hun voort-aen sullen hebben te reguleren. 's-Gravenhage. Weduwe ende Erfgenamen van wijlen Hillebrant Jacobsz van Wouw. 1626. 3 incomplete/ short-trimmed copies, restored with Japanese paper.
3 copies, small 4to, half cloth, blue cased covers. The most complete copy with leaf Figueren vande gevalueerde Goude specien (...) followed by the: Beeldenaer ofte Figuerboeck, dienende op de nieuwe ordonnantie vander munte, gearresteert ende uyt-gegeven by de Doorluchtighe Hog. ende Mog. Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenigde Nederlanden (...). 94 pp. With images in woodcut of coins of cities, provinces, regions and the nations surrounding us. The second copy from 1622 titled: Beeldenaer ofte Figuer-boeck (...) 1622 with 52 pp. With images of coins as before; water stains, annotations, trimmed short. The third copy, [1626], trimmed very short and incomplete with 93 pp. with images of coins as before. Rare and interesting. Sold w.a.f. (total 3).