[Pecquet's reservoir] Joannis Pecqueti Diepaei.
Experimenta Nova Anatomica, quibus incognitum hactenus Chyli Receptaculum, & ab eo per Thoracem in ramos usque subclavios Vasa Lactea deteguntur. Ejusdem Dissertatio Anatomica, De Circulatione Sanguinis, & Chyli Motu. Harderwijk. Johannes van Toll. [1651].
32mo, leather, title on spine in gilt stamping, title with vignette, (20),204 pp. with 5 of 6 full-page copperplates (lacks unnumbered print belonging to pp. 38-40). Name previous owner in ms. on endpaper and title. Good copy.
Johannes Pecquet was a French scientist concerned with such subjects as blood circulation and the respiratory system, for which he experimented on live animals (dogs).
Johannes van Toll a printer at Harderwijk from 1651 to 1667. This is a reprint of the first French edition from 1651 and at least printed between 1651 and 1667. Rare. This Harderwijk edition not in PiCarta.