[The Hague. Special provenance] 3 works in 1 volume: (1) Beschryvinge van 's Gravenhage,
behelsende desselfs eerste opkomste, stichtinge en vermakelyke situatie, het Graven-hof aldaar gebouwt, met alle verdere publyke en particuliere gebouwen daar in sijnde, en desselfs voorname grachten, pleynen, straaten, wandelingen en buytenwegen (...). Mitsgaders de oude coustumen (...) door Gysbert de Cretser. Waar achter bygevoegt is de [2] Zeestraat op Scheveninge door de Heer van Zuylichem. Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1711, two parts in one volume, (16),140,(8),104,(8); 56 p., with two engraved frontispieces, large folding engraved profile and 8 (folding) engraved plates, contemporary calf, ribbed and gilt back with later letterpiece, 4to.
De Zeestraat (by Constantijn Huygens) with separate title page and therefore counted as the second work in this volume.
Bound together with: (3) 's Graven-Hage, met de voornaemste plaetsen en vermaecklijckheden, door Jacob van der Does, Rechtsgeleerde. The Hague, H. Gael, 1668, (16),143,(1) p. (leaves I and Iii repaired in bottom margin). Ad 1: here and there slightly browned, old owner's name on the title page; ad binding: leather across top hinge split. Good copy with the engraved ex libris (also his printer's mark) of the Antwerp publisher Joannis Baptista Verdussen (1698-1773). His library was auctioned off in 1776, our copy has been included in the accompanying auction catalogue in the category Historia Belgii Foederati (under "in quarto"), on page 249, number 84. The first edition (second 1729) of the first extensive description of the city, here combined with the ode to the city by Van der Does (also in first edition) (total 3 works in one volume).