[Religion] Deliciae Pastorum et Praedicatorum,
Hoc est: Sermones per omnes Dominicas et festa totius anni, in quibus principalia mysteria veritatum christianarum cunctis scitu, & ad praxin necessarium singulari methodo, ac energia (...) per Rever. Patrem Joannem Junium Aveugle. Mainz. Johannes Baptist Schönwetter. 1668. Small 4to, overlapping vellum, title in red and black and printer's mark, (4),index,542,284,(11) pp., annotations on title page, binding stained, browned copy, else good.
Combined with 3 other works: Paedagogi Christiani Tomus II. A.R.P. Philippo d'Outreman. Trier. Hubert Reulandt. 1656. First edition. 12mo, overlapping vellum, 688 pp. + index and: Verhandelingen van de Ware Vreese Gods. Johannes Bunjan. [transl. Pieter vander Meersch]. Dordrecht. Johannes 't Hooft. 1738, 12mo, vellum. And: Christliche Sitten-Lehr uber die Evangelische Wahrheiten (...) von R.P. Francisco Hunolt (...). In sechs Theil abgetheilet [only part one of six]. Johann Wilhelm Huysch. Cologne. 1740. Small folio, various annotations. Stand-alone volume (total 4).