[Law] Utriusque Hollandiae, Zelandiae, Frisiaeque
Curiae Decisiones. Item Tractatus De Feudi Hollandici, Frisicique (...) Accedunt De Pactis Antenuptialibus Obs. & Dec. Auctore D. Cornelio Neostadio [Cornelis van Nieustadt]. The Hague. Johannes & Daniel Steucker. 1667.
Small 4to, overlapping vellum, 3 titles with printer's mark, first title in red and black, (3),311,index,(10),170,index,72 pp. + index.
3 parts in one volume, the first part with rulings by the Court of Holland, the second treats feudal law and the third part contains a treatise on marriage conditions. Very good copy.