Archive consisting of several hundreds of items,
ca. 1930-1950, mostly consisting of items related to the Second World War, incl. a photo book, an envelope with photos of the city of Groningen, newspapers, pamphlets, a pack of ration stamps, a sizable stack of stencilled pamphlets/ single publications, handwritten letters and satirical poems, a stack of personal documents of P.J.N. Stutterheim, two account books and a few documents of Arian Jansen (1930s) etc.
Lovely archive, a few items of which we will describe in detail here: (1) NSB certificate printed in red, black, gold and blue for E. Germs (stamboeknummer 9756) for his 10 years of uninterrupted membership; (2) Student notebook with ca. 50 photos (incl. picture postcards) concerning the liberation, such as photos of paratroopers, English soldiers in cities, a photo with many dead bodies in a forest and a series of 16 photos with list "1943. Den Haag door de Moffen vernield"; (3) Handwritten satires on Rost van Tonningen, Germany and Seyss Inquart, signed with name Ozo; (4) A hilarious handwritten variant on the Lord's Prayer: "Onze vader van het derde rijk, uw naam zij geëerd, het Britsche Rijk kome (...)"; (5) A stack of documents of registrator P.J.N. Stutterheim incl. an "Ausnahmegenehmigung für die Einreise in die Provinz Zeeland" (dated 14 December 1940); two requests by the mayor of Amersfoort for guard duty of the railroad/ DF-line in May/ September 1943 and another similar request; a Luchtbeschermingskaart; (6) An envelope addressed to Stutterheim (postmarked 1945) in which "foto's Groningen 1945 en vroeger"; (7) A film poster for the "beklemmende film: Tot vijf over Twaalf", the "film welke tien jaar verboden was"; (8) A cloth armband with imprint "Wijk 42 Groep 15" and a city coat of arms; (9) "Heeft u dezen Amerikaanschen vlieger gezien of heeft u iets van hem gehoord? (...) Zijn naam is Kapitein Ellis Spear Middleton II." Stencilled notification with photo and personal information; he flew on 23 September 1944 in a P-47 fighter plane over the Arnhem area. See:; (10) A handwritten poem beginning with: "ik ben een arme negerknaap" (on a slave and a missionary).