mostly rare printed ephemera from the war years, such as government flyers with instructions, registration cards, announcements, coupons, typed or stencilled letters, social-security requests, lottery items etc.
Incl.: (1-3) A lottery ticket from the Winterhulp-loterij 1944, an original envelope of the Winterhulp-loterij 1941 and a flyer for the 1941 lottery (envelope and ticket with perforation holes); (4) Voor het volk, door het volk. Scholingsorgaan van de Winterhulp Nederland, No. 1, February 1941, 16 p. incl. wrapper, with photographic illustrations; (5) Unused cheque for gifts to Winterhulp Nederland, in the original envelope of the Dienst Departement van Binnenlandsche Zaken, with address and postmarked 194? (lacks last digit); (6) A stencilled note signed in pen by D.W. Bernard, with a reprimande (i.e. emotional blackmail) for someone who several times did not give anything to Winterhulp Nederland and "Hiervan wordt door mij nauwkeurig aanteekening gehouden"; (7-8) Two coupons for Winterhulp Nederland 1943-1944, municipality of Amsterdam, of 1 guilder and 2.50 guilders and stamped by name and with signature of L. Abercrombie; (9-10) Two priority cards for Amsterdam women, issued on 15 August 1944 and 28 March 1945, expiring 5 months later, with stamped signatures, one with passport photo still attached; (11) "Organisatie van den Luchtbeschermingsgeneeskundigedienst (LBGD)." Stencilled explanation of what happens when aerial defense is set in motion, on 14 A4 leaves printed on one side, stapled; (12) Cloth armband printed with "Luchtbeschermingsdienst Algemeene Hulp", with stamps of the secretary of Wijk D and Amsterdam police department; (13) A pre-printed registration card of the municipality of Rotterdam (!) for the Luchtbescherming, completed in pen in name of A.C. Haalebos and his wife, on cardboard with cord (dated 1942 in pencil); (14) A warning card by the head of the Luchtbeschermingsdienst of the Heemstede police department regarding the insuffficient darkening of the house of H. Woelders, Landzichtlaan 20, on 12 July 1943 (extremely specific item with offence, offender, date, time and exact address); (15-16) Two pre-printed requests completed in pen and with stamps for services as Blokhoofd/ member of the Blokploeg of the Luchtbeschermingsdienst, issued 5 August/ 19 May 1943 (total ca. 40 items).