Two manuscripts: (1) (Pepakem Cheribon).
(Lawbook Cirebon). Manuscript lawbook, (1768), (8),16,(1),79 leaves mostly written on both sides, both main parts with text in Indonesian writing and in Dutch, bound between plain boards, folio (in very good condition).
Extraordinary original version in manuscript, of a lawbook later published in print. Several versions with a similar composition in manuscript are known, our version is signed on the final page of the 8-leaf preliminary pages: "Accordeert R.H. Armenault". Robert Hendrik Armenault (member of the V.O.C.-kamer Amsterdam) was Resident of Chirebon from 1765 to 1771. The signature is placed below the resolution in which the new lawbook is ratified: "Extract Resolutie genoomen door de Sultans en den Resident tot Cheribon. Op Maandag den 18e April 1768" (4 pages with each a column in Indonesian writing and a column in Dutch). The lawbook was started under previous Resident Pieter Cornelis Hasselaer between 17 December 1764 and 4 February 1766 and drafted by the four Tommongongs (high-ranking noblemen) Karta di Ridja, Anga di Ridja, Raksadiningrat and Satja di Poena, as well as the seven Jaksas (prosecutors) of the collective Sultans, from various old pepakems. Our manuscript has been composed as follows (blank p. not mentioned): "Alpha-Beth op de Papakkum" (4 p.); "Register of Bladwijser vande voornaamste saaken in de Papakkum voorkomende, als volgd" (5. p.); the aforementioned signed extract (4 p.); "Manier van Procedeeren tot Cheribon; Tot narigt van de seeven Jaksa's der gezamentlijke Sultans" (16 numbered leaves); "Papakkum off Wetboek van Cheribon g'extraheerd, en t'samengesteld uijt Diverse Papakkums, als met namen Radja Nistjaja, Oendang Oendang Mataram, Djaja Lankara, Kontara Manawa, en Adilloela" (79 leaves with text in Indonesian writing and in Dutch). With (2) another manuscript, entirely in Indonesian writing on laid paper, (80) p. (in very brittle, frayed condition, without binding) (total 2).