La Guirlande. Album d'art et de littérature.
Sous la direction littéraire de Monsieur Jean Hermanovits. Sous la direction artistique de Monsieur Brunelleschi. One fascicle with crossed-out indication of the number and in pen "Spécimen", also fascicles 2-11, Paris, 1919-1920, the "Specimen" with indication of 500 numbered copies, the remainder printed in 800 numbered copies, with 34 (of 60?) coloured plates and many illustrations by Brunelleschi, M. Jean Ray, G. Barbier and others, wrapper preserved only with Spécimen and 3rd fascicle (else the same wrapper), 4to.
Number "Spécimen" with same table of contents (though with different layout) as fascicle 4, content otherwise as with fascicle 5. Not all plates with title, most plates have been incorrectly inserted in numbers or not at all. Due to the incompleteness, a reconstruction is out of our reach. Therefore sold w.a.f. (total 11 fascicles with 34 plates in good condition).