Gregory Corso. Kathmandu, Bardo Matrix, 1974, first edition printed in 500 numbered copies on Indian paper, 11 leaves printed on one side, with title illustration and woodcut tailpiece...
Op zoek naar de verloren tijd. Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 2002. 7 volumes, paperback in slipcase.
El Gran Canon. F.C. Terborgh, De Roos, 1965. No. 98 of 175 + Het wandelende woud. Jacques Hamelink. Lithographs, typography and binding design Jan Kuiper, 1975 + Ichthus, Maarten...
(...). The Rise and Wonderful Adventures of Farmer Giles, Lord of Tame, Count of Worminghall and King of the Little Kingdom. By J.R.R. Tolkien. Embellished by Pauline Diana Bayes....
Illustré de quatre gravures par Pablo Picasso. Paris, Jeanne Bucher, 1942, printed in 426 numbered copies (this is number 222, one of 400 copies on Vélin Bouffant), 76,(1) p.,...
Collection l'âge d'or dirigée par Henri Parisot. Printed in Paris by Imprimerie Grou-Radenez for Éditions de la Revue Fontaine, 1946, 63,(5) p., printed in 785 numbered copies...
Paris, Charpentier & Fasquelle, 1910, printed in 1000 numbered copies on Japanese paper (this is number 201), (8),244,(1) p., with coloured illustration by Rostand on the half...
Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzugen. Vienna, Österreichische Staatsdruckerei, 1923, printed in 300 copies numbered and signed in pen by Rudolf Junk (this is number XIII, one of 15 Roman-numbered...
Illustrée de vingt eaux-fortes originales gravées par Étienne Adrian., Société Nouvelle des Éditions d'Art Devambrez, 1929, printed in 180 numbered copies (this is number...
Nouvelle illustrée d'images hors-texte gravées par Nathalie Gontcharova. Paris, Au Sans Pareil, 1926, (4),42,(1) p., printed in 1260 numbered copies (1000), with 6 original etchings,...
Reprinted from G. Polidori's edition of 1847. Edited by J.D. Symon. London, Eragny Press (Esther & Lucien Pissarro) (in arrangement with messrs. Macmillan & Co), 1906, printed...
Balzac vol. I-XI, 1951-1965. The complete works of Honoré de Balzac + Saint-Exupéry, Oeuvres. All in light-weight paper, bound in faux leather, with bookmark (total 12).
Oeuvres Complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau vol. I and II, 1959-'61 + Album Stendhal, 1966 + another 5 by Stendhal (of which 1 damaged to spine) and 4 by André Gide (of which 1...
Album Montherlant, Gallimard, 1979 + Alum Camus, Gallimard, 1982 + Oeuvres Malebranche I, 1979 + Baudelaire Oeuvres complètes, 1961 + Montaigne Oeuvres complètes, 1965 + Alain...
Paris, Calmann-Lévy ed. 1925-'35. Complete set in 4to, sewn in original cream-coloured paper bindings. Slightly browned on spine, else neat set. With the suites de épreuves sur...
by Edmund Dulac. London, Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. (1908), XXIV,143,(1) p., with 40 pasted coloured plates, original gilt cloth with dust jacket, 4to.
Wyndham Lewis (ed.). Review of the Great English Vortex. London, John Lane, July, 1915. No. 2. 4to. With contributions by Wyndham Lewis, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound et al. Illustrations...
Illustrations de Henri Cassiers. Paris, printed by G. Kadar for L'Édition d'Art, H. Piazza, 1910, printed in 300 numbered copies (this is number 28, one of 40 copies on Japanese...
With illustrations by W. Heath Robinson. London, printed by Bradbury, Agnew & Co. for Constable & Co., 1914, one of 250 numbered copies signed by the illustrator (this is number...
K. Lauwers, Hasselt. Uitgeverij "De volle maan", 1979. De cyclus van 8 haiku's, gezet uit de Times, en 8 lithografieën werden gedrukt door het atelier De Schutter te Antwerpen...
Vertaald door Dr. L.A.J. Burgersdijk. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1886-1888. 12 volumes, uniformly bound in half leather. Titles on spine in red and green with gilt stamping.
Herinneringen van een Engelbewaarder. De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 1971. In leather private binding with spine and front board title. N.A. van Wijk, with dust jacket + De donkere...
Van de Zinnen en de Vruchten. Nieuwjaarswens De Bellefleur, Kapellen, 1992. Offset lithography in cardboard cahier, published by Banket- en thuiskookservice/ restaurant de Bellefleur...
Verzamelde Werken Dostojewski vol. 1-11 + Tsjechow Verzamelde werken vol. 1-5. Van Oorschot light-weight paper editions, all in very good condition with dust jacket (total 16).
Verzamelde Werken Poesjkin vol. 1-3 + Tolstoj Verzamelde werken vol. 1-8 + Toergenew Verzamelde werken vol. 1-5 + Gogol Verzamelde werken vol. 1-3. Van Oorschot light-weight paper...
CPNB, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1937 (without dust jacket), 1938, 1940, 1941 and 1948 + Het Nederlandsche Boek 1927, 1929-1940 - and Het buitenlandsche boek 1935-1938 - and 2 doubles....
Atte Jongstra. Klinkende ikken. Arbeiderspers, 2008. 422 pp. Sewn. No. 266 from the Privé-domein series + Arnon Grunberg. Aan nederlagen geen gebrek. No. 289 from the series -...
Madame de Sévigné. Brieven. Arbeiderspers, 1992. 230 pp. No. 176, sewn edition + Edward W. Said. Ontheemd. No. 270 + John Cheever. Verscheurde stilte. No. 191 - and nos. 23, 50,...
Fernando Pessoa. Het boek der rusteloosheid. 3e dr., 1991. No. 166 from the series. Sewn + Michel Onfray. Vulkanisch verlangen. No. 244 from the series + Eckermann. Gesprekken...
Gustave Flaubert/ George Sand. Wij moeten lachen en huilen. Arbeiderspers, 1992. No. 182 from the series. Sewn + Arthur Rimbaud. Afrikaanse brieven. No. 239 from the series + Gustave...
Julien Green Oeuvres Completes I-VIII, 1972-1998 + Album Green - and 2 more. All in good condition with transparent wrapper and bookmark (total 12).
Voltaire Correspondance I-XIII 1977-1993 + Oeuvres Historiques + Mélange + Album Voltaire. All in good condition with transparent wrapper and bookmark (total 16).
Balzac La Comédie Humaine I-XI, 1951-1965 + Album Balzac - and Charles Cros 7 Tristan Corbière. Oeuvres complètes, 1970. All in good condition with transparent wrapper and bookmark (total 13).
Marcel Proust. A la Recherche du temps Perdu vol. I-III, 1954 + Proust. Jean Santuil, 1971 + Contre Sainte Beuve, 1971 + Alain les Arts et les dieux + Alain Propos + Alain Les...
Stendhal Correspondance I-III, 1968 + Stendhal Romans I and II + Stendhal Oeuvres intimes I and II + Voyages en Italie + Voyages en France + Album Stendhal. Added: Mallarmé. Oeuvres complètes.
Shi Nai-An Luo Guan -Zhong. Au bord de l'eau vol. I & II, 1978 + Jin Ping Mei vol. I & II, 1985 + Cao Zueqin. Le rêve dans le pavillon rouge vol. I & II, 1981 - and 7 more (total 13).
Anatole France Oeuvres vol. I-IV, 1984-94 + Paul Valéry. Cahiers vol. I & II + Paul Valéry Oeuvres vol. I & II + Chateaubriand Mémoires d'outre-tombe - and 2 more by Chateaubriand.
Pascal. Oeuvres Complètes vol. I & II. 1998-2000 + Kant. Oeuvres Philosophiques vol. I-III + Luther Oeuvres + Saint Augustin La Cité de Dieu + Saint Augustin. Les Confessions Dialogues...
Zola. Les Rougon-Macquart vol. I-V, 1960-1967 + Zola Contes et nouvelles = Album Zola + Flaubert Correspondance vol. I-IV, 1973-1998 + Flaubert Oeuvres vol. I & II - and Album Flaubert.
George Sand. Oeuvres Autobiographiques vol. I & II, 1970-71 + Michelet. Histoire de la révolution Française vol. I & II + Charles de Gaulle mémoires + Tocqueville Oeuvres vol....
Claudel Journal I & II, 1968-69 + Théatre I & II + Oeuvres en Prose + Oeuvre Poétique + Gérard de Nerval Oeuvres I & II + André Chénier Oeuvres complètes + Marguerite Yourcenar...
Roger Martin du Gard oeuvres Complètes vol. I & II. 1955 + Bernanos Essais et écrits de combat vol. I & II + Bernanos oeuvres Romanesques + Beaumarchais Oeuvres + Orateurs de la...
André Gide Journal 1889-1939 + Journal 1939-1949 Souvenirs, 1951-54 + Romans + Album Gide + Anthologie de la Poésie Française + Maupassant Contes et Nouvelles I & II + Jules Renard...
Victor Hugo Les misérables, 1951 + Oeuvres Poétiques vol. 1-3 + Album Molière + Mauriac Oeuvres Romanesques et theatrales complètes vol. I-IV + Oeuvres autobiographiques + Apollinaire...
Proof for illustration "Verzen van Willem Kloos" by Theo Nieuwenhuis (?). Fine Jugendstil print on thin paper, some damage in paper, in mount and in frame.
Bubb Kuyper, Haarlem 2006. 875 pp. One of 250 numbered copies of the edition bound in cloth with dust jacket of this impressive catalogue for the auction of Büch's library.
Roman door Thea v. Harbou. Geautoriseerde vertaling van Maurits J. Vles. Met 8 foto's naar de film. 1st edition, Nederlandse Uitgevers-Maatschap, Amsterdam, 1928. 208 pp. 4to,...
Transito. Moderne letter voor slagregels. Ontworpen door Jan Tschichold. N.V. Lettergieterij "Amsterdam" voorheen N. Tetterode, ca. 1930. Folding leaf in 8 sides. Incl. advertising...
Published in limited edition, 237/530. Whittington Press, 1990. Illustrated with woodcuts. Folio, 35.5 x 26 cm. 125 pp. Bound in half cloth, in slipcase. Ex libris Micael Tarachow...
Three volumes, 1986, 1990, 1991. Edition of ca. 950 copies. With several (signed and coloured) wood engravings, photos and etchings. With: Whittington & Matrix in America. Stapled, 32 pp. (total 4).
Three volumes, 1994, 1998 and 2000. Edition of ca. 900 copies. With several (signed and coloured) wood engravings, photos and etchings (total 3).
Three volumes, 2001, 2005 and 2006. Edition of ca. 800 copies. With several (signed and coloured) wood engravings, photos and etchings. Also including supplements (total 3).
Three volumes, 2007, 2009 and 2010. Edition of ca. 725 copies. With several (signed and coloured) wood engravings, photos and etchings. Also including supplements (total 3).
Hauptprobe in gedrängter form der Bauersche Giesserei, Frankfurt a.M., ca. 1915. (2),XII,312 pp. Printed in various colours, cloth with gilt stamping, 4to. Fragile front binding,...
The 'Cimelio' of Bodoni : The Work and its Printer in Essays. Facsimile. David R. Godine, Verona/ Boston, 1991. Two vol. Cloth with gilt stamping, 176,74 pp., folio, in slipcase....
Fleur-de-neige et d'autres Contes de Grimm. Illustrations de Kay Nielsen. L'édition d'art, Paris. No. 1595/4000. 118 pp. 4to, sewn. With 12 tipped-in plates by Nielsen.
5 ponden pers, A.A. Balkema, Amsterdam, 1944. Illus. Titia Worm. 8vo, printed in edition of 55 copies.
[By Francis Grose]. A Fac-simile Reprint of the Sixth London Edition [1783]. New York, Agathynian Club, 1867, printed in 120 numbered copies (this is number 71) on laid paper,...
'Belosem', De witte bedoeïn. Een toneel uit de Sahara. Amsterdam, Van Creveld, 1890, 1st and only edition, 8vo, cloth, inscription 'van den schrijver' on title page, sticker booktrader...
Printed at J Goffin Fils in Brussels for Les Éditions du Jardin de l'Inutile in Brussels/ Paris/ London, 1920, two volumes, (34); (4) p., with 10 (of 11) pochoir-coloured plates...
Sous la direction littéraire de Monsieur Jean Hermanovits. Sous la direction artistique de Monsieur Brunelleschi. One fascicle with crossed-out indication of the number and in...
Nicolaas Beets, Rijmbijbel. Haarlem, Bohn, 1839, 1st edition, small 8vo, cloth. Good.
Nicolaas Beets, Geschenk aan jonge lidmaten der Gemeente van Christus. Utrecht, Van Peursem, n.d. [ca. 1890], 5th ed., decorated cloth, small 8vo. Good (top inner joint loose).
von den verkommenen Töchtern. Frankfurt, Euphorion verlang, 1969, typed title page followed by 22 closed envelopes, each with small text strip for contents, original wrapper cover...
und Graphik. No. 1, 2, 4, 5/6, 12-14, 1963-1964, 7 volumes, with illustrations, original (uniform) wrapper.
door Ik, alias Jan Pik, alias de lul (...) [= J.A. Bik]. Amsterdam, uitgeverij "J.A. Bik", 1966, (2),96,(1) p., incl. original wrapper (very rare).
(Irregularly published collection of privately printed periodicals). Eindhoven, 1980-1981, 3 numbers each printed in 125 numbered copies, richly illustrated, original wrappers, folio.
Kapellen (Bos)/ Antwerp, Banana Press/ Walter Beckers, 1974, (3),17,(1) leaves printed on one side, original spiralbound wrapper, 28 x 16 cm.
London, Big Venus, 1969, (16) p., original wrapper, 4to.
A feminist views and exposes the prick and his attitudes. By Zizi. New York, Zizi Press, 1973, 28 pink leaves with text and illustrations, original stapled wrapper.
Envelope containing The National E.C. [= Entertaining Comic] Fan-Addict Club Bulletin Number 1-5, dated November 1953 to December 1954 (= ca. 1970), each numbered a double-sided...
Essai de calligraphie sonore par Massin d'après l'interpretation de Tsilla Chelton et de Jean-Louis Barrault à l'Odéon - Théâtre de France, version scénique., Gallimard,...
5x number 46 of 175 numbered copies, various bindings and sizes., Sub Signo Libelli, 1999, printed in 43 copies (this is number 29), (2),10,(3) p. (incl. blanks), with title illustration, original wrapper.
Amsterdam, De Buitenkant, 2001, printed in 225 numbered copies (one of 200 Arabic-numbered), 90 p., frontispiece portrait, original velvet. With signed and dated portrait photo...
Selected and arranged in chronological order. Maastricht, The Halcyon Press, 1933, printed in 500 numbered copies, 67,(5) p., with woodengraved portrait by J. Buckland Wright, original cloth.
De Machiavellist. Een verantwoording in zeven liederen. De beschuldigde spreekt. Amsterdam, Stichting Casimir, 1990. Cahier with printed transparent wrapper. (2), 42 pp. Edition...
Het Boek Johanna. Arnon Yasha Yves. Number 18 of only 27 copies. Het boek Johanna. Amsterdam, Kasimir, (1991). Exercise-book stitch with wrapper. (2),18 pp. With an illustration...
Blauwe Maandagen, Nijgh & van Ditmar, 1st ed., 1994 + Figuranten, 1997. Hardcover with damaged dust jacket, 1997 + Moedervlekken, 1st ed., hc with dust jacket, 2016. All with dedication...
Par Richard Wagner. Avec illustrations par Arthur Rackham. Traduit en prose rhytmée par Alfred Ernst. Paris, Hachette et Cie., n.d. (1911), (8),186,(1) p., printed in 390 copies...
Illustré par Arthur Rackham. Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1906, number 195 of 200 numbered copies printed on large Whatman, X,69,(3) p., with pasted, coloured frontispiece and 50 plates...
Par William Shakespeare. Illustré par Arthur Rackham. Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1909, number 243 of 300 numbered copies on large vélin (330), (6),134,(2) p., with pasted, coloured...
John Bunyan, De Pelgrimstoch, bewerkt en met aantekeningen van Th. Scott [&] J.H. Gunning jr. Amsterdam, W.H. Kirkberger, 1864, large 8vo, 2 parts in 1 volume, abundantly ornamented...
Presented by Willy Pogány. London, G. Harrap, n.d. (ca. 1915), (126) p., printed in 525 numbered copies on simili-japon signed by the illustrator, with 24 pasted, coloured plates...
Lot with 22 nos from 1957-'59, all with cover design Nicolaas Wijnberg. Incl. a double of no. 31-32, 1959. All as new, with several belly bands. Contributions by Lucebert, Nooteboom,...
Nouvelle édition ornée de trente eaux-fortes originales en couleurs par Pierre Brissaud. Paris, Collection Éclectique A. Blaizot/ R. Kieffer, 1913, printed in 250 numbered copies...
Charles Ruelens (ed.) Thomas à Kempis, Imitation de Jésus Christ. Reproduction en facsimile du manuscrit autographe de 1441. Nijmegen, Thieme, 1879 [facsimile manuscript 1441],...
Trente originaux de Vlaminck., Flammarion, n.d. (1960), printed in 288 numbered copies on Vélin d'Arches pur fil (one of 250, this is number 72),(3) lvs., 247,(4)p., with...
Images de Robert Perniaux en gravures originales. Brussels/ Luxembourg, Editions de l'Ouest, 1948, printed by Firmin Desmet in 210 numbered copies on Arches (200), (32) p., with...
Herausgegeven von Paul Cassirer. No 1-4, 5 April - 20 May 1916. Lithographic art periodical, Paul Cassirer, with lithographic work by the leading artists of the day. In these issues...
Herausgegeven von Paul Cassirer. No 6-7, 20 June - 5 August 1916. Art periodical, Paul Cassirer, with lithographic work by the leading artists of the day. In these issues work...
Herausgegeven von Paul Cassirer. No. 10-13, 20 August - 5 October 1916. Art periodical, Paul Cassirer, with lithographic work by the leading artists of the day. In these issues...
Herausgegeven von Paul Cassirer. No. 14-18, 20 October - 20 December 1916 (= last issue). Art periodical, Paul Cassirer, with lithographic work by the leading artists of the day....
De Ballade van de Dode Viking. In opdracht van "De vrienden van Kettmann", Bilthoven, printed by the Flakkeesche drukkerij in Middelharnis, 1956. No. 11 of 25 deluxe copies with...
There's No Business. Black Sparrow Press, Santa Rosa, 1993. 17 pp. In half cloth. Illustrations (incl. binding) Robert Crumb + Bring met you love. Black Sparrow Press, Santa Rosa,...
Mixed media, 1981. 42.5 x 33 cm. This portrait hung for years on the walls of the Niemeyer fabrieken head office in Groningen.