Lot with 15 titles: (1-3) Daglicht 6, 8 and 9.
(Irregularly published collection of privately printed periodicals). Eindhoven, 1980-1981, 3 numbers each printed in 125 numbered copies, richly illustrated, original wrappers, folio.
Fine and very rare publications on the threshold of art and literature, with contributions by Leon Janssen, Ernst Dinkla, Gaston Klein, Dick Bakker, Ria van Boekholt, Steven Scheffer and others; (4-5) Creature comforts. 1. Eten en drinken in kunst en cultuur. 2. Eten en erotiek. Hoofdredactie Renée Zindler. Amsterdam, Azure Window, 1985, 2 volumes, 65/ 62 p., printed in 500 numbered copies, richly illustrated, original spiralbound wrapper, oblong small folio; (6-9) Zand Erover. Hiddema Feuilleton volume 1-4 (of 20 volumes announced, possibly no more published). Printed by Vandaag Inc. for "De Alg. Ver. tot Beh. v.h. Non-komf." at Zamenburg, 1978, 4 stencilled volumes with consecutive paging, 40,(1) p., original uniform stapled wrapper (very rare); (10-11) Surrealistische Kahiers no. 1 and no. 3. No. 1: P.J. Schermer. Het topologisch palindroom hocus bolus. No. 3: Projecten, Automatische teksten, Gedichten. No place or publisher, 1971, two (of ?) volumes, printed in 100/ 75 numbered copies, with illustrations and covers by P.J. Schermer, original stapled wrapper, 4to. And with another 4 alternative publications (total 15).