[Famous trials] Causes Celebres et Interessantes avec les Jugemens
qui les ont décidées. Vol. I-XX. Paris, Theodore le Gras, 1739-1750. 20 volumes, small 8vo, leather, uniformly bound. New edition, complete in 20 volumes, from vol. VIII recueillies par M. ***, Advocat au Parlement; each vol. with index. Bindings rubbed and partly damaged, several vols. (water)stained; sold w.a.f. Famous French court trials, in vol. XX a "table Generale" with an overview of all individual cases in these 20 volumes.
With: A. correct, full and impartial report of the trial of Her Majesty Caroline Queen Consort of Great Britain, before the House of Peers on the Bill of Pains and Penalties, with authentic particulars (...) including at large Her Majesty's defence. Edited by J.H. Adlophus. London, Jones and Co., 1820. Halfleather, title on spine in gilt stamping, illus. frontispiece, portrait Bartholomo Bergami, XVIII,459 pp., binding with traces of use; else good + Procès de Fieschi et de ses complices. Bruxelles, Adolphe Wahlen, 1836, title on spine in red and gilt stamping, cased, marbled binding, folding lithograph before the title + Abrégé des causes célebres & interessantes (...) continuéez par M.J.C. de la Ville. Par le Sieur P.F. Besdel. Londres, H. Hughs, 1778. (total 23)