[Prize binding Amsterdam] Historiae Romanae + Historisch Polityke Werken
Historiae Romanae Liber I, II, C. Velleius Paterculus. S. en J. Luchtmans, Leiden, 1779 (Venice, 1571). 1360 pp., 4to. Vellum prize binding of Amsterdam with gilt-stamped arms of Amsterdam on both boards.
Title engraving by Frans van Bleyswijk with the names of the author and the printer + Historisch polityke werken van des Marktgraafs Virgil Malvezzi, translation M. Smallegange. Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge, Amsterdam, 1679. 687 pp. 4to, in vellum binding. Seven engravings, incl. title engraving.