[Children's periodicals] Collection of various (very rare) children's periodicals
In 8 volumes. (1) Kindercourant. Geïllustreerd weekblad onder redactie van Johan Gram en Antonie S. Reule Nz. Nieuwe serie A. The Haue, A. van Hoogstraten en Zoon, n.d. (c. 1885), 52 issues with continuous paging as two parts of 208 p. each, both vols. with lithographed frontispiece and illustrations, contemporary halfcloth, 4to.
Inside with minor defects such as ownership marks, minor tears, occ. tender. Top joint split. Very rare periodical. We were unable to trace it in PiCarta; (2) De christelijke familiekring. Uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Zondagschool-Vereeniging. Years 1868 and 1869. Amsterdam, H. Höveker, 2 vols. with 208 p. each, with many woodcut illustrations, original clothbacked printed cardboard (1868)/ contemporary halfcloth (1869), folio. Year 1868 trifle waterstained in margins, both vols. with mild foxing. Year 1869 torn on spine; (3) Losse bladen voor de Nederlandsche jeugd, opgedragen aan Hare Majesteit de Koningin der Nederlanden. Rotterdam, H. Nijgh, 1859, (6),192; 98 p., with many woodcut illustrations, contemporary halfleather, 4to (several leaves loose, binding slightly worn). And with 4 similar works, incl. Kinder-Courant. Lectuur voor de Nederlandsche Jeugd, deel XI, 1862-1863 (in poor condition). (total 8)