[Drawing] Four series: (1) De klas actief. Nieuwe serie van zeven tekenmappen
voor het eerste tot en met het zevende leerjaar der lagere school. Ontworpen door W. Holthof, F.H. Ozinga en P.A. Melis (...). Elke map bevat 24 tekenvoorbeelden in zes kleuren. Meppel, M. Stenvert & Zoon, n.d. (c. 1950), 7 files, each with the 24 plates indicated (file VII with 22 of 24 plates), loose as issued in original uniform printed paper wrapper, 12 x 17.5 and (from file V) 15 x 23 cm.
File VII lacks plates 22 and 24. Library labels and stamps of N.C.O. Amsterdam. Several portfolios with minor tears and marginal waterstaining. Very rare, near-complete set, PiCarta lists only a set at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (also the only depository of many of this type of files in this auction); (2) Tekenappèl. Serie 1-6 [= all]. Door Peter van Rooijen. Zeist, Dijkstra, n.d. (c. 1950), 6 files, each with 25 plates, loose as issued in original uniform printed paper wrapper, 14.5 x 20 and (from serie 4) 18.5 x 24 cm. (similar defects to portfolios as with the previous, very rare, complete set). And with 2 similar sets of 2 files each. (total 4 sets in 17 files)