[Drawing] Four titles in 17 vols.: (1) Meetkunstig vlakornament.
Ruim 100 motieven uit verschillende stijlen. Verzameld en systematisch gerangschikt, door Herman J. de Vries (...). 2e deel. The Hague, Gebroeders Van Cleef, 1891, lithographed title page followed by 52 chromolithographic plates, loose as issued in the original halfcloth portfolio, 4to.
Title browned by flaps of the slightly soiled file, contents also with occ. foxing. Very rare file with colourful plates, some using gold printing; (2) Het elementair lijnteekenen door M. Adelaar en L.W.J. Labout, leeraren in het teekenen. Serie A-B. Eerste druk. Purmerend, J. Muusses, n.d. (c. 1900), two series of 30 plates each, with the front flap of the original files (also title) preserved (damaged and/ or pasted and with library stamp), 16.5 x 21 cm. (no copies in PiCarta); (3) Denken meten teekenen. Oefeningen ter inleiding tot het technisch teekenen. Door B.I. v. Milaan (et al.). I-II [= all]. Arnhem, Ten Brink, n.d. (1932), 2 vols., each with 48 pp. with altogether 80 examples, original uniform wrapper, folio (library stamps/ labels). And with 1 other similar series consisting of 12 vols. (total 4 titles in 17 vols.)