School plates Dutch Indies
'Rijstbouw, Java' (c. 1915-1924) and 'Passer te Kaban Djahè' (1932) from Henri Zondervan, Insulinde in woord en beeld. Groningen/ Batavia, J.B. Wolters. Both ± 74 x 104.5 cm + 'Een Bataksch dorp' (c. 1920) and 'Tabaksplantage', second printing (J.J. ten Have, Aardrijkskundige wandplaten van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië, first series no. 6, 1930). Both at Joh. Ykema, The Hague, both ± 85 x 67 cm + 'Rijstvelden', 'Suikerplantage' and 'Balikpapan' (1930-1931) from C.L. van Balen, Ons schoone Indië. The Hague, D.A Daamen, ± 85 x 115 cm.
'Suikerplantage' lacks corner b.r., 'Rijstbouw Java' trifle stained, else good. (total 7)