[Java] Two titles: (1) The history of Java. By the late Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles.
Second edition. Londen, J. Murray, 1830, 2 vols., XLVII,536; IV,332,CLXXIX p., modern uniform halfleather in old style (this second edition was issued without illustrations).
(2) Beschreibung der Insel Java nach dem Berichten R.J.L. Kussendragers und andern neuen Quellen aus dem Holländischen frei bearbeitet von. Dr. Johannes Müller. Berlin, printed by G. Jansen for E. Gross, 1860, 286,(1) p., with folding, lithographed map and 15 (of 17) coloured or tinted lithographic plates, plain contemporary halfcloth (slightly worn). Lacks plates of Guntur volcano and of Gua-Gedé; bookblock and a few plates tender, occ. foxing. Sold w.a.f. (total 2 in 3 vols.)