
LOT 1915
SOLD €100,00

[Bookplates. Boekcier] Near-complete series in two series of years: (1) Boekcier.

Mededeelingen van den Nederlandschen Exlibris-Kring. Year 1-9. Wassenaar, N.E.K., 1932-1940, 9 years and accompanying table of contents in one vol., contemporary halfvellum with gilt back, 4to.

Complete series of years in a fine and luxurious binding, with bookplate of A.C.M. Pillot to inside front board. With illustrations by/ after A. Blöchlinger (original lithograph, pasted), J. Buckland Wright, N. Bulder, J. Cantré, F. Cohen, D.G. Duyvis, Ch. Eyck, L. Gestel, Th. van Hoytema, C. Lebeau, F. Mees, A. Pieck, W.J. Roozendaal, P.G. Rueter, P. Schuitema (bookplate C. Chevalier, pasted, letterpress and photomontage printed in red and black, Maan/ Van der Ree '90, p. 56; Broos/ Hefting p. 83), P. Worm and others. (2) Boekcier. Mededeelingen van de Stichting Nederlandsche Exlibris Kring. Tweede reeks. Year 1-18. The Hague/ Wassenaar, 1946-1963, loose as issued in 69 (of 71) parts (incl. 2 tables of contents and the special issue De vier seizoenen with wood engravings by V. le Campion, 31 December 1951), self-wrapping, 4to. Lacks no. 3, year 14, July 1959, see lot 1711 in this auction (Escher); also lacks no. 2 of year 18 (added in photocopy). Contains in the first year, no. 4 (August 1946) an article on M.C. Escher by G.H. 's-Gravesande, with 3 wood engravings by Escher. Also contains illustrations by/ after J. Bieruma Oosting, D.A. Bueno de Mesquita, N. Bulder, L.L. Cardozo, P. Citroen, F. Cohen, M. Fingesten, D. van Gelder, E. Gill, A. Kubin, C. Lebeau, H. Levigne, T. Mauve, F. Mees, E. Puetmann, L. Strik, H. Woyty-Wimmer, W. Zwiers and others. Continued as: Ex libris: jaarboek van de Nederlandsche Exlibris-Kring. (total 70)

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