L'Artisan Pratique. Revue Mensuelle d'Art Décoratif. 8 nos. 1912-1933
No. 79, 116-118, 123, 207, 272 and 284 (years 9-25). Paris, J. Nicolas Ainé (5x)/ René Leclerc et Cie. (3x), 1912-1933, each ± 20 p., profusely illustrated, each no. with inserted folded pattern leaf on thin paper with repetitions of illustrations (6x ± 70 x 100 cm., 2x ± 50 x 65 cm.), several other inserted (folding) plates, original illustrated wrapper, folio.
No. 123 back cover loose, no. 207 cover torn; no. 116-118 with stamp of "Maurel, Representant Dépositaire". Good set of this fine periodical, with the fragile, large loose leaves preserved in good condition.