[Brabant (with the 4 quarters Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp and Den Bosch)] Le Roy, 1699
Castella & Pretoria Nobilium Brabantiae, coenobiaque celebriora, ad vivum delineata, in quatuor partes divisa: complectentes agrum Lovaniensem, Bruxellensem, Antverpiensem et Sylvae-Ducensem. Chateaux et maisons de campagne des Gentilhommes de Brabant et les monasteres les plus remarquables / Kasteelen en heeren huysen der Edelen van Brabant (etc.). (...) ex museo Jacobi Baronis Le Roy, & Sacri Romani Imperii, Toparchae Sancti Lamberti. Leiden, Pieter vander Aa, 1699. Bound with: L'Erection de Toutes les Terres, Seigneuries & Familles Titrees du Brabant. Leiden, the same.
Folio. Halfleather, title on spine in red and gilt stamping, half title, allegorical frontispiece with title and arms of Brabant by Abraham van Diepenbeke, title with large vignette, dedication to the Hoogh Mogende Heeren Staten Generaal with arms of the individual states by H. vander Aa, (6),142(=284) and 108 pp. The 4 quarters of Brabant with general map, 4 portional maps, a plan of Antwerp and 205 views, all in copper engraving by Bouttats, Cause, Harrewijn after Bauduin, Hollar, Van Croes, Van Wierden etc. The armorial chart of Den Bosch trimmed short, the maps of Leuven and Brussels folding. The bound-along part with title, dedication, general map of Brabant as before and 7 views, all in copper engravings. Castles and houses in the first part all with captions in Latin, French and Dutch. Spine with minor dam., endpaper browned, bookplate. All prints in strong impressions. Copy on large paper. Scarce in this composition.