
Topography & Travel Books: Europe: Lots 750 - 786

Auction 20
SOLD €170,00
LOT 750
€75,00 - €150,00
[Maritime] Battle of St. Vincent

A Narrative of the Battle of St. Vincent. With Anecdotes of Nelson, before and after that Battle. John Drinkwater, London; Saunders and Otley, 1840. xii, 97 pp. 4to, in orig. blue/...

Auction 20
LOT 751
€75,00 - €150,00
Notice Historique des Descentes qui ont été faites dans les isles Britanniques

Paris, de l’imprimerie de Crapelet, An VI (1798). 4to, 43 pp., in contemporary green cased binding. Only edition, with handcoloured map 'Des descentes faites en Angleterre et en...

Auction 20
SOLD €220,00
LOT 752
€150,00 - €300,00
[Gibraltar] Drinkwater's Siege of Gibralter

A history of the late Siege of Gibraltar with a description and Account of that Garrison, from the earliest periods. By John Drinkwater, third ed. London, T. Spilsbury, 1786. xxiv,...

Auction 20
LOT 753
€100,00 - €200,00
[Optical print] London, Westminster Bridge, c. 1770

Prospectus Pontis Westmonasteriensis Londini. Viso Del Ponte De Westmiinster a Londra. G.A. Remondini, Venice. Original handcoloured copper engraving. Lovely engraved view of the...

Auction 20
SOLD €60,00
LOT 754
€60,00 - €100,00
[Pencil drawing] View of Rome, c. 1850

Rom um Oktober 1850. Pencil drawing, signed (illegible). 22 x 41 cm. In mount, brownstaining, else good. Combined with a handcoloured leaf with 4 steel-engraved images. Bremen....

Auction 20
LOT 755
€400,00 - €600,00
Album de Vingt Batailles de la Révolution et de L'Empire

Theodore Yung. Paris, Henry Plon et Lemercier, c. 1850-60. Oblong folio, red percale, title in gilt stamping and illustrated embroidery in black on front board, endpapers; complete...

Auction 20
SOLD €260,00
LOT 756
€150,00 - €300,00
Album de Dornach (Alsace)

[Mulhouse, Dolfus-Mieg Cie.], 1872. Lithographic frontispiece with title, table of contents, 20 large lithographical plates on heavy paper with captions in French, in orig. cloth...

Auction 20
LOT 757
€200,00 - €400,00
[Tirion. Turkish Empire] Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van Alle Volkeren

In opzigte hunner landsgelegentheid, personen, klederen, gebouwen, zeden, wetten, gewoontens, godsdienst (...) door Th. Salmon. (Trsl.) M. van Goch. V deel. Behelzende den Tegenwoordigen...

Auction 20
SOLD €200,00
LOT 758
€150,00 - €300,00
[Spain] A Journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787;

With particular attention to the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes and revenue of that country and remarks in passing through a part of France. Joseph Townsend....

Auction 20
SOLD €200,00
LOT 759
€200,00 - €300,00
London and its environs in the nineteenth century

Illustrated by a series of views from original drawings by Thomas H. Shepherd with historical, topographical and critical notices. London, Jones & Co., 1829. 4to, halfmorocco,...

Auction 20
SOLD €700,00
LOT 760
€700,00 - €1000,00
Vranckryck en zijn Steeden,

Behelsende een algemeene en besondere beschrijvinge des selfs en aangrensende landen, van Straatsburgh aen Rhijn, reyswijse door 't selvige Koninckrijck tot Amsterdam eyndigende....

Auction 20
SOLD €2200,00
LOT 761
€2200,00 - €3300,00
[Brabant (with the 4 quarters Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp and Den Bosch)] Le Roy, 1699

Castella & Pretoria Nobilium Brabantiae, coenobiaque celebriora, ad vivum delineata, in quatuor partes divisa: complectentes agrum Lovaniensem, Bruxellensem, Antverpiensem et Sylvae-Ducensem....

Auction 20
LOT 762
€800,00 - €1600,00
Les Delices de L'Italie

Contenant une description exacte du Païs, des principales Villes, de toutes des antiquitez, & de toutes de raretez qui s'y trouvent. Ouvrage enrichi d'un tres-grand nombre de figures...

Auction 20
SOLD €70,00
LOT 763
€70,00 - €140,00
[Scandinavia] A new map of Sweden, Denmark and Norway,

from the latest authorities, by John Carey, engraver, 1828. Handcoloured, engraved map, 45.5 x 51 cm. issued at London by John Carey, 1828, in beautiful mahogany veneered frame...

Auction 20
LOT 764
€70,00 - €140,00
[France. Optical prints] Two prints: (1) "Vue du Port de Marseille

prise de l'Hotel de Ville. Dessiné du temps de la peste en 1720." Antiquely handcoloured, engraved optical print, no place or publisher, c. 1770, 26 x 44.5 cm. (sl. faint lettering,...

Auction 20
SOLD €80,00
LOT 765
€80,00 - €160,00
[France. Optical prints] Three prints: (1) "Vue Perspectives du Port de Toulon".

Antiquely handcoloured, engraved optical print, no place or publisher, c. 1770, 22 x 36 cm.

Auction 20
LOT 766
€70,00 - €140,00
[Spain. Optical print] "Prospect des Escurials von vornen gegen Madrid".

"L'Entrée de l'Escurial, en perspective". Antiquely handcoloured, engraved optical print by Leizel(t), from the Augsburg series "Collection des prospects", Augsburg, "Au Negoce...

Auction 20
SOLD €70,00
LOT 767
€70,00 - €140,00
[London. Optical prints] Three prints: (1) "Vista del palacio real de Somerset

con la yglesia de nuestra senora a Londres." "Prospectus palatii regii Somerseti cum ecclesia s. Mariae Londini." Antiquely handcoloured, engraved optical print, no place or publisher,...

Auction 20
LOT 768
€120,00 - €240,00
[London. Optical prints] Two prints: (1) "Prospect der Kauffmans Halle

in der Fenchurch Strasse zu London". (2) "Prospect des Admiralitaets Hausses, nebst dem neuen Gebäu für die Quarde zu Pferd in Whitehall bey London". Pair of antiquely handcoloured,...

Auction 20
LOT 769
€150,00 - €300,00
[Berlin. Optical prints] Three prints: (1) Prospect von der Kloster Strasse

e dem Dom Thurn der Dom-Kirche in Berlin." (2) "Prospect von der Mauer-Strasse nebst der Heil. Dreijfaltigkeits Kirche in Berlin". (3) "Prospect des Waijsenhausen in Berlin, nebst...

Auction 20
SOLD €3200,00
LOT 770
€3000,00 - €4000,00
[Rome] Beschryving van Oud en Niew Rome

verdeelt in drie deelen [= 4 parts in 2 vols.]. Waar in de gansche gelegenheit dezer magtige Stad, van de grondlegginge af, tot onder de regeeringe der Keizeren, en vervolgens...

Auction 20
SOLD €60,00
LOT 771
€60,00 - €90,00
The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria

George Dennis. Revised edition, recording the most recent discoveries. 2 vols. with map, plans and illustrations. London, John Murray, 1878. cxxviii, 510; xv, 579 pp. 4to, in halfleather....

Auction 20
SOLD €80,00
LOT 772
€60,00 - €90,00
[Prussia. Hydraulic engineering] Die Frage des Kanalbaues in Preußen

Von Dr. August Meitzen. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1885. VII,71 pp. Halfcloth, boards with pasted orig. wrapper. With tables and folding map 'Preussens Wasserstrassen'.

Auction 20
LOT 773
€70,00 - €120,00
Voyages de l'Europe

Tome II A Paris, chez Nicolas Le Gras, 1693. 113 pp. with folding map of Spain + Tome III. 372 pp. with a folding map of Italy. Both small 8vo, in sl. worn marbled paper binding....

Auction 20
LOT 774
€70,00 - €140,00
[Paris] Seul plan de Paris,

indiquant instantanément toutes les rues, les monuments. et endroits publics dit Système Acklin Breveté (cover title)/ Indicateur instantané Nouveau plan de Paris à Ruban complet...

Auction 20
SOLD €220,00
LOT 775
€70,00 - €140,00
[Germany. Banks of the Rhine] "Rechtes Ufer" and "Linkes Ufer".

Two series of steel-engraved profiles, no place or publisher, c. 1850, two series each consisting of 29 loose, numbered and connecting strips with captions, 3.7 x c. 27 cm. (image...

Auction 20
LOT 776
€70,00 - €140,00
[Belgium] 16 mostly finely handcoloured, steel-engraved or lithographed views

Incl. of Antwerp (2x), Ath (lovely and lively view), Bruges, Brussels (3x), Ghent (2x, incl. a beautiful view by Robert Wallis), Lüttich, Oudenaarde and Ypres (2x, double) and...

Auction 20
SOLD €80,00
LOT 777
€70,00 - €140,00
[France/ Belgium] Series of 13 engraved city profiles from Merian, 1659,

incl. 4 double, partly signed in the plate by Johannes Peeters, c. 10 x 31 to 13 x 35.5 cm., all in mount.

Auction 20
SOLD €80,00
LOT 778
€70,00 - €140,00
[Belgium] Series of 37 engravings of summer residences, castles etc.,

all c. 1700 and c. 11 x 21 cm., by or after S. de Bruijn, H. Cause, Harrewijn, J. van Croes, F. Ertinger, G. Bouttats and R. Whitehand, all in mount.

Auction 20
SOLD €130,00
LOT 779
€120,00 - €240,00
[Belgium/ Northern France] 21 various engraved plans, maps and views,

mostly Belgian and Northern-French towns, incl. 5 antiquely handcoloured and 3 double, various dimensions, from Guicciardini (c. 1620, 7x), Baudartius (1616, 3x), Aitzinger (late...

Auction 20
LOT 780
€150,00 - €300,00
[Scandinavia. Baltic Sea] Tableau de la mer Baltique,

considérée sous les rapports physiques, géographiques, historiques et commercieaux, avec une carte et des notices détaillées (...). Par J.P. Catteau-Calleville (...). Paris, Pillet,...

Auction 20
SOLD €70,00
LOT 781
€60,00 - €90,00
Illustrations to the Hand-book for travellers on the continent

Contained in a Series of Maps of the most frequented Roads through Holland, Belgium and Germany, beautifully engraved, coloured, and more minutely and carefully laid down than...

Auction 20
SOLD €120,00
LOT 782
€75,00 - €150,00
Travel books Germany & Austria

Die Brenner-Bahn. Reise-Erinnerung von Adolf Obermüllner. München, Max Ravizza, (1867). Cloth wrapper with 25 steel engravings, each 10.4 x 6.6 cm., and text book (14 pp.). Book...

Auction 20
SOLD €100,00
LOT 783
€100,00 - €200,00
Travel books Paris

Vues de Paris. Leporello with 28 chromolithographic leaves (of which 1 double-page illustration), 12.2 x 17.5 cm., c. 1890. In red cloth with gilt title + Paris. Maison Martin,...

Auction 20
SOLD €150,00
LOT 784
€70,00 - €140,00
[Italy] Set of 3 drawings in grisaille and sepia: (1) "Il Chiatamone dalla Villa Meale"

(2) "Casa del Tasso a Sorrento"; (3) "S. Pietro da Villa Panfili". Three drawings in grey and brown ink, 19th century, 10.5 x 12.5 and 10.5 x 13 and 10 x 11.5 cm., all neatly titled...

Auction 20
SOLD €130,00
LOT 786
€70,00 - €140,00
Plantenga travel books

Zwitserland: Tyrol, Zuidelijk Duitschland en Noordelijk Italië. Handboek voor reizigers. Zutphen, P. Plantenga, (1864). 362 pp., red cloth with gilt title. Spine with some wear,...


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