[Guicciardini. First edition] Descrittione di tutti i Paesi Bassi
Descrittione di M. Lodovico Guicciardini patritio Florentino. di tutti i Paesi Bassi altrimenti detti Germania Inferiore. Antwerp, Willem Sylvius, 1567. Small folio, limp vellum, ills. title page, verso the arms of Philip II, the portrait of Philip II in oval medallion, (16),296 pp. + tavola et Indice. Complete with 5 maps, 2 images and 10 plans, most in woodcut.
According to Guicciardini Illustratus, the execution of this first edition left much to be desired: many printing errors, incorrect pagination and a nearly unusable register. De la Fontaine Verwey attributes this to the religious troubles of the time, causing many protestant printshop workers to leave the city of Antwerp.
This first edition is provided with 15 woodcuts and 2 copper engravings (map of the Netherlands and the Antwerp city hall). The woodcuts by Corneel Muller. This is one of the few complete copies of the first and Italian edition. See Guicciardini Illustratus p. 28.