
LOT 718
SOLD €80,00

Voyage pittoresque dans La Frise, une des sept Provinces-Unies.

P.J. Gauthier-Stirum. Paris, Belin-le-Prieur, 1837. Small 8vo, halfcloth, 315,(4) pp., complete with 6 lithographs.

Added: Geschiedkundige Beschrijving van Leeuwarden, de hoofdstad van Friesland. Vermeldende den oorsprong, den aanwas en de uitbreiding van deze stad (...) tot den jare 1846. W. Eekhoff. [2 vols.] met kaarten en platen. Leeuwarden, 1846. Large 8vo, cased, boards and spine covered with green paper, mostly worn on spine. Title on front board, title page with small vignette. Large folding plan before the title. Maps and prints, mostly folding, in lithography. Shabby but complete copy. (total 3)

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