[Chile. Strait of Magellan] Freti Magellanici ac novi Freti vulgo
Le Maire exactissima delineatio. Jodocus Hondius. Amsterdam, 1636. Handcoloured engraving, 39 x 50 cm. Framed in mount under plexiglass. Several cartouches incl. with the title, legend and distance chart; a compass rose, and ships and sea monsters.
With descriptive text in Latin [Lectori meo etc.] and Dutch: "Afbeelding der Straet Magellanes. So as de selve van Mr. Barent Jansz Potgieter van Munster door en weder door bevaren en met syn Capiteyn Sebald de Waerd met groot pericul syns levens seer naerstig ondersocht is:". A few stains in the image. Mahogany frame with sm. dam.