Dr. Ecolari's Cabinet, archive in a suitcase
Brown leather suitcase with Dr. Ecolari's Cabinet painted on top. Used by Tjeerd Deelstra on Fluxus journeys. 35 x 61 x 19 cm. Filled with documents pertaining to the archive such as stationary for Fluxus West Europe and business cards for Dr. Ecolari's Cabinet.
+ B/w photos and negatives of Fluxus works used in lectures. + Collected Fluxus addresses on various cards and sheets, including the International Contact List published by Ken Friedman for Fluxus West 1972. + Collection of invoices for publications and artworks. + Correspondence with publishers and bookstores. + Letters from artists such as Anna Banana, Aubertin, Kosugi, Cage, Sohm, Henk Peeters, Gerz, Patterson, Groh, La Monte Young, Spoerri, Patterson and others. Interesting research material.