Sports archive of athlete, banker and artist Johan Hendrik Pootjes (1882-1944),
incl. a large scrapbook with swimming paraphernalia, mostly clippings/ complete copies of "Y-nieuws. Orgaan van Zwemvereeniging Het Y" (Amsterdam, 1933-1939); the first, second and third year book of the same swimming club, 1909-1912, with lists of members [J.H. Pootjes was a voting member from the beginning] (bound together in one batiked binding); the club song of the Zwemvereniging Het Y (1927); a receipt regarding a substantial contribution to N.V. "De Sportfondsen" (reverse with illustration by D.A. Bueno de Mesquita); a notebook with clippings from periodicals 1902-1912 conc. running (mostly from "Het Rijwiel") with the achievements of the Pootjes; paraphernalia conc. Kegelclub De Gladiatoren in Surabaya, and pieces conc. the Oeteldonksche Club in Surabaya (carnival).
The extremely versatile, affluent and generous Johan Hendrik Pootjes was an excellent athlete who had won many awards in various disciplines, such as nine-pin bowling (Kegelclub de Gladiatoren in Surabaya), running and swimming (Zwemvereniging "Het Y"). He was also vice president of the Nederlandsch Oost-Indische Escompto Maatschappij, one of the three largest banks in the Dutch East Indies. Pootjes also stood out as a painter and drawing artist. Some of the pieces in this lot: (1) The scrapbook with title "Losse gedachten" contains 42 leaves, filled with (clipped) magazine articles, mostly from the very rare "Y-nieuws. Orgaan van de zwemvereeniging het Y" (1933-1939), but also newspaper clippings, programmes and other (very) rare paraphernalia of "Holland-Indië te Water" (e.g. Tweekamp Holland-Indië in the Sportfondsenbad, 1934), picture postcards (Berlin Olympics 1936 and one with signatures of the Dutch water polo team), menus, letters from A.M. Harthoorn etc.; (2) Club song "Onze Haven", with words and drawing on front cover by D.A. Bueno de Mesquita, is dedicated to Zwemvereeniging Het Y" for its 35th anniversary, 1927. Cordbound in wrapper with calligraphed inside "Aangeboden bij den terugkeer uit Ned. Indië van ons eerelid Joh. H. Pootjes, Amsterdam 1/6 1928", with signatures of boards members and Feestcommissie; (3-5) Very rare Jaarboekjes 1-3 der Zwemvereeniging "Het Y", no copies in PiCarta; (6) Notebook with clippings, mostly newspapers clippings conc. Athletiek-Club De Bataaf and A.W.C. Velocitas, with the achievements of Pootjes; clippings conc. boxing and korfball; clippings conc. the successful record attempt at running Utrecht-Amsterdam by W.Th.L. Schmidt ("De Vegetariër"), 1904; a telegram from 1906 from walking phenomenon L.C. Dudok de Wit ("De Tippelaar"); (7) Collage with clippings conc. Pootjes leaving the Kegelclub de Gladiatoren in Surabaya (Pootjes was "Opperste Gladiator"); (8-9) Manuscript verses of the Kegelclub conc. Pootjes' silver jubilee as official, 1 July 1923; (10-12) Illustrated certificate with wax seal on behalf of the Raad van Elf of the Gemeente Oeteldonk/ Soerabaja, and typed humorous letters with signatures conc. the same carnival club (1921).