[Religion] Lot with 12: (1) Bible, Biblia
Amsterdam & Haarlem, Nederlandsche Bijbel Compagnie, 1822. (2) Small bible, Het nieuwe Testament. Amsterdam & Haarlem, Nederlandsche Bijbel-Compagnie, 1853, with metal clamp. (3) De verborgentheit van de Evangelische Heiligmaking. Walter Marshal, (trsl.) Alexander Comrie. Leiden, Johannes Hasebroek, 1739. (4-5) De peinzende Kristen (2 vols.). Petrus Broes. Amsterdam, 1792. (6-8) 3 photos of Dutch priests, late 19th century, and 4 illustrated Communion leaves, c. 1900. Sold w.a.f.
(total 12)