Naaukeurige Beschryving der uitwendige Godtsdienst-Plichten
Kerk-Zeden en Gewoontens van alle Volkeren der Waereldt; in een historisch verhaal, met eenige naaukeurige verhandelingen ontvouwen, door verscheiden aanmerkingen opgeheldert (...) geteekent door Bernard Picard. In VI. deelen. (Trsl.) Abraham Moubach. Amsterdam, Hermanus Uytwerf/ Rotterdam, Jan Daniel Beman/ The Hague, Isaak van der Kloot, 1727-1738.
6 vols., folio, leather, uniformly bound, title on spine in black, red and gilt stamping, ills. frontispiece, 6x title in red and black and vignette. Numerous head- and tailpieces, of which several illustrated and 221 (of 224) full-page, double-page and/ or folding copper engravings. Monumental work in six parts on customs etc. of all the world's major religious groups with copper engravings after drawings by Bernard Picard and executed by B. Picard, J.V. Schley, B. Bernaerts and many others. Text here and there sl. tanned, sl. heavier in a few places; occ. waterstaining; in general a good set. (total 6)