[Albert Speer] Archive of Speer's biographer Jörg-Michael Schiefer,
consisting of the book derived from interviews with Speer, a memory stick with the recorded conversations, dozens of letters and several cards signed by Speer and addressed to Schiefer, an interview corrected by Speer and two books by Speer with signed dedication to Schiefer.
Splendid coherent archive concerning Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (1905-1981), German architect and town planner. During the nazi rule of Germany, he became Reich architect from 1937 and minister of Armament from 1942. Through his friendship with Adolf Hitler and his position as a minister, he was seen as one of the most powerful men of the Third Reich. After the war Speer was convicted at Nuremberg and sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment, which he completed at Spandau. He managed to profile himself as a "good" nazi who became involved with the nazi regime as an unsuspecting architect. He became a celebrated guest on TV and at conferences and succeeded in reinforcing his image as a "good" nazi. Only after his death did additional research show that he had been an impassioned and devoted nazi. Biographer Jörg-Michael Schiefer would graduate in the subject of technocracy.
This important archive contains the following items:
(1) Jörg Michael Schiefer, Architekt, Generalbauinspektor und Rüstungsminister. Gespräche mit Albert Speer 1971-1975 (2013, 150 p.). No copies in PiCarta; (2) Memory stick containing the (chilling) recordings of the actual conversations; (3) The 1964 interview with Der Spiegel corrected by Speer, in which Speer once again declares to have only "swum along," but cannot be held politically responsible: "I was only a technocrate". On an else blank leaf of the interview Speer's business card has been mounted, with a short, signed annotation in pen. The interview is depicted in Schiefer's book, on pp. 40-41; (4) Series of 19 letters by Speer to Schiefer, dated 1971-1978, all but one on his stationery, 2x entirely manuscript and the remainder typed, all signed; (5) Two manuscript cards by Speer to Schiefer, incl. a Christmas card, both signed; (6) Letter from Mrs. Siv Thiessen to Schiefer, with a copy of a letter from Speer to her, conc. reviews of a book by Speer; (7) Albert Speer. Spandauer Tagebücher (first edition 1975). With signed dedication by Speer to Schiefer on the half title; (8) Albert Speer. Erinnerungen (8th printing 1970). With signed dedication by Speer to Schiefer on the half title. Schiefer's working copy, with many underlinings, markings and annotations, many inserted strips with themes in pen such as "Technocratie".