[Dr. J. Johnston] Beschrijving van de natuur
[6 parts in one vol.]. (1) Beschrijving van de Natuur der Viervoetige Dieren neffens haer Beeldenissen in koper gesneden. Uyt 'et Latijn vertaelt door M. Grausius. (2) (...) der Vissen en Bloedlooze Water-Dieren. (3) (...) der Bloedlose Water-Dieren in 4 boeken. (4) (...) der Vogelen. (5) (...) der Gekerfde of Kronkel-Dieren, Slangen en Draken. (6) (...) der Slangen in twee boeken. Amsterdam, J.J. Schipper, 1660.
Folio, later binding, halfcloth with cased boards, title on spine in gilt stamping. Incomplete copy with 2 (of 4) illus. title pages and another 2 title pages. 194; (6),179,(1); 56; 181,(3); (4),152 and 39,(1) pp. and 223 of 248 full-page copper engraving (by Matthias Merian); a large number with multiple illustrations to a plate. Various text p. and engravings with small tears and stains. Title page der Vogelen bound as first title; title page der Vissen partly present. One of the most spectacular animal books from the 17th century. First Dutch folio edition. See Nissen ZBI 2136, p. 220. Despite several lacking plates still an acceptable copy. Sold w.a.f.