[Architecture/ Amsterdam] J.A.I. de Ruyter (1888-1950)
8 design drawings for one of the submissions for the Amsterdam town hall design contest, 1936: (1) Zuidoostzijde, 74.5 x 50 cm, sl. foxed; (2) Noordwestzijde, 74.5 x 50 cm, soiled; (3) Zuid-Gevel & Noord-Gevel, 74.5 x 69 cm, some staining; (4) West-Gevel & Oost-Gevel, 74.5 x 69 cm, some staining; (5) Plan beganen Grond, 74.5 x 69 cm, red ink sl. run off; (6) Hoofd-Verdieping, 74.5 x 69 cm, sl. stained; (7) Kelderplan, 74.5 x 69 cm, some staining. With mounted paper strips on ends; (8) Boven-Verdieping, 74.5 x 69 cm, some soiling. All drawings on paper, mounted on cardboard, perspective drawings in black ink finished with watercolour, plans in red ink with ann. in pen. Sizes excl. margin. The plates with inscription: Motto Elf and on the edge: No. 052. A few edges waterstained. Plates with double perforation in head margin + added file with ± 75 blueprints and design drawings for buildings, structures, furniture etc., incl. for the Laboratorium voor Microbiologie at Wageningen, built between 1920 and 1922. 75 x 60 cm. Circa 1910-1925. Mostly in good condition, several with frayed paper edges or folds. Pencil with watercolour. On reverse sketches in pencil + 2 later architectural design drawings, made by students at the T.H. Afdeling der Bouwkunde, 89 x 67 cm, 1954-1955. Pencil with watercolour.
(total 85)