[Calligraphy] 3 calligraphed anniversary albums 1896-1914
Faux-leather album "Aan Ds. G. Mansvelt wordt dit album met bijbehoorend geschenk aangeboden door wijk 23 der Nederd. Hervormde Gemeente ter gelegenheid van zijn 25-jarig ambtsjubileum op 17 Maart 1914". Entirely handdrawn and manuscript album with 7 profusely decorated pp. in calligraphy (incl. title page) incl. with the arms of Amsterdam, and (39) leaves written on recto with lists of names and addresses Amsterdam-West + 2 other anniversary albums, 1x with 2 decorated leaves in calligraphy dated 1906 and 1x dated 1896, both with lists of names in calligraphy.
(total 3)