[Album amicorum] Album amicorum Wageningen/ Leeuwarden, 1875-1878
Album with ± 30 entries in various clean hands and 6 drawings (partly in colour), dated 1875-1878, most at Wageningen, several at Leeuwarden. Several entries in English. Possibly belonging to one of the children of Johannes Hondius (c. 1820-1889) and Waltje Jacoba Plantenga (c. 1821-1907). Cloth album, 23 x 15 cm.
Incl. contributions by members of the following families: Hondius, Plantenga, Camphuis, Celliée Muller, Vermande, Vlaanderen, Kruseman and Rooth. Several pp. sl. shaky, occ. sl. foxed.