[Board games] Comical Tivoli Game
Spear's. Circa 1880. Lithographed pop-up die-cut. With 3 balls. Lithographed box. 29 x 20 x 3 cm. 'Fun for all'! some def. to box. + La Chasse Joyeuse. France, circa 1900. Lithographed cardboard with pop-up and 9 pawns, 6 coins and a dice. In illustrated box cover with Instructions mounted in. 32 x 21 x 3 cm. Cover seems to be a later photocopy. Pop-up dam.
+ De Kleine Goochelaar. Tooverdoos. Brand: Hokus Pokus. Spear's, circa 1920. Contains Instructions, 11 playing cards and 9 other objects to perform magic tricks. In lithographed box. 31 x 26 x 5 cm. Box dam. and soiled and other def. - and 3 other board games. Early 20th century. (total 6)