[Board games] Punch and Judy/Le Joyeux Guignol/Kasperltheater
Late 19th century. Lithographed fold-out pop-up theater. 25 x 36 cm. With 6 cardboard moveable playing figures. In lithographed box. 27 x 21 x 2 cm. Box worn and some other defects, 1 playing figure dam.
+ Neue Zeichnen-Schule/Drawing Teacher/Peinture. Circa 1900. Lithographed box (31 x 19 x 2 cm) containing chalks, 10 cards with examples an 10 drawings after these examples and 4 relief silhouette papers. Name on inner box: Dora Boerman. Box dam. and worn. + Angel Spiel. Germany. Late 19th century. -and 3 other board games. Early 20th. century. (total 6)