[Patience games] 'Replacer les deux ailes a leur places.'
Patience game in box (9 x 6 x 2 cm) with lithographed cover. France, circa 1900. + 'Nur die Ruhe kann's machen'. Patience game. German, circa 1900. Decorated cardboard box (18 x 15 x 2 cm) with 11 metal objects and Instruction leaves. Box dam., seems to lack most of the instruction manual.
Added: 'Clown balancing chairs on his head.' Memory game. Spears, circa 1900. 6 lithographed cards of 11 x 19 cm. + Les Petits Gringalets. Lithographed box (32 x 19 x 3 cm) with 4 lithographed cardboard figures and with box with objects to make the faces of these figures 'come to life' using your fingers. Box dam. + De Elektrische Tram: Nieuw Kienspel voor de Jeugd. Dutch, early 20th cent. -and 2 others (total 7)