Hugo Grotius. Three titles: (1) Apologeticus eorum qui Hollandiae Westfrisiaeque
et vicinus quibusdam nationibus et legibus praeferunt ante mutationem qua evenit anno 1618 (...). Cum refutatione eorum quae adversus ipsum, atque alios acta indicata sunt. Paris, N. Buon, 1622, (24,533,(1),(2 blank),3 pp., woodcut printer's mark on title-p., contemp. overlapping vellum.
Partly w. waterst. in lower outer corner, else a very fine copy. Ter Meulen & Diermanse, B.G., 880; Hilgers, Index, p. 422; Knuttel, Verboden boeken 160. The first Latin edition, published in the same year as the original Dutch edition ("Verantwoordingh van de wettelijcke regieringh van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt"). Latin translation by Grotius himself, of his defence of the Dutch government before the coup d'état of Prince Maurice in 1618. (2) De iure belli ac pacis libri tres. In quibus ius naturae & gentiu: item iuris publici praecipua explicantur. "Moeno-Fancofurti", Wechelianus, Aubrius and Schleichius, 1626, (40), 682,(82 index) p., woodcut printer's mark at the beginning and end, contemp. vellum. Browned (partly severely) (-and 1 other in Dutch, 1722). (total 3)