Tacitus. (1) Oeuvres, de nouveau traduites en Francois (...)
Par I. Baudoin. Paris, Jean Richer, 1619. [&] Scipion Amirato. Discours politiques sur les ouuvres de Tacitus. Trad. P. Baudoin. Paris, Richer, 1618. [&] Velleius Paterculus. Histoire Romaine. (Trad. par Baudoin). Paris, Richer, 1616. 3 vols in 1. viii, 952; 151; 94 pp. With 1 fold. table. Vellum with manuscript title. Large 8vo. Soiled, dam. to lower spine, large stain on back cover, some wormholes, foxed and brown, lacks ties and other defects.
-and (2) Horatius Flaccus. Hekeldichten, brieven en dichtkunst. In Nederduitsche verzen overgebragt door B. Huydecoper. Amsterdam, Ratelband & Uitwerf 1737. xxiv, 292 pp. Engr. frontispiece & title vignet and engr. author's portrait after Quinkhard by Houbraken. Half calf. 4to. (total 2)