Six Dutch titles: (1) S. de Vries. D'Eedelste Tijdkorting der weet-geerige
verstanden: of De groote historische rariteit-kamer der sonderlighste natuerlijcke en boven-natuerlijcke saecken, geschiedenissen en voorvallen van allerley slagh: te gelijck voorsien met vrolijcke gemoeds-verlustigingen (...). Amst., J. Bouman, 1682, (16),608,(48) pp., w. engr. frontisp. and portrait of the author, contemp. vellum.
Pastedowns detached from boards, bookblock detached from head- and tailband. Buisman 2392, also listing two more vols. that appeared; Waller 1804 (first vol. only); List of Books coll. by the Tokugawa Shogunate, p. 10 (first vol. only); Gieles-Plak 30, 1; (2) A. Montanus. Korte catechisatie, over de gemeine plaetsen der H. Schriftuer: tot onderwijsing van de Christelijcke jeugd (...)./ Korte catechizatie over den Heidelbergsche catechismus (...). [Both:] Den tweeden druk, seer vermeerdert en verbetert. Printed in Schoonhoven by L. van Hek for M.W. Doornik in Amst., 1659, 2 parts in 1 vol., (6)338,(16); (2),55,(3) pp., contemp. vellum, 12mo (old. annots. at the beginning). Very rare, just a few copies in NCC, apparently only listing this 2nd edition. Van der Haar, Schatkamer, M 312 and M 311 (also 2nd editions only); Burgersdijk & Niermans, Bibl. Theol., 1900, no. 11078. And 4 miscell. others (published in 1625, 1630 (Elzevier), 1659 (by Simon van Leeuwen) and 1792 (letters by Johan Newton to T. Haweis). (total 6 miscell. (rare) titles)