[Book of hours] Heures nouvelles dediées a madame la Dauphine,
contenant les offices, vespres, hymnes & proses de l'eglise; & celles qui se chantent selon le nouveau breviaire de Paris (...). En Latin et en François. Paris, J. le Gras, 1690, (16),542,(2),15 pp., Latin and French text in parallel columns, with title-p. and 5 divisional titles with borders and capital letters heightened w. gold and other capital letters col. in blue gouache, all six w. engr. plate by P. Landry juxtaposed and (as well as the endpapers and blanks) also w. border heightened w. gold, contemp. black "sharkskin" w. silver (?) clasps and catches, a.e.g., silk pastedowns, large 8vo.
W. partly erased dedication in pen on first free endpaper. Joints cracked, but good holding on cords; outer corners showing.