[V.O.C. Travels] Two parts in 1 vol.: (1) Kort verhael van d'eerste schipvaerd
der Hollandsche ende Zeeusche schepen by noorden Noorwegen, Moscovien ende Tartarien om, nae de coningrijcken van Cathay ende China. Getogen uyt het iournael van Gerrit de Veer. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (Amst., M. Colijn, 1617/1619), 71 pp., w. 5 engr. maps and 21 plates, modern full leather in antique style, obl. 4to.
Bound with: (2) Kort ende waerachtigh verhael van de tweede schipvaerd by de Hollanders op Oost-Indien gedaen, onder den heer admirael Iacob van Neck, getogen uyt het journael van Roelof Roelofsz, vermaender op 't schip Amsterdam, ende doorgaens uyt andere schryvers vermeerdert. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (Amst., M. Colijn, 1617/1619), 51 p., w. 3 engr. plates. Ad 1 and 2: The two first parts (of 10) parts of Gerrits de Veer's rare Oost-Indische ende West-Indische voyagien, published by Michiel Colyn in Amsterdam in 1619 (colophon 1617). Ad 1: partly waterst.; several plates dam. in margins (1x w. tears) and restored/ strengthened in margins w. sellotape; several plates more or less trimmed to the image and mounted (probably from other copies); 1 plate clumsily handcol. Ad 2: partly waterst. The convolute is sold w.a.f. The interesting accounts of the first two Dutch travels (1594 and 1595) in search for a Northern passage to China and Sout-East Asia, under command of Willem Barentsz. The first account is finely illustrated with interesting maps and plates illustrating the shipwreck in the ice, the adventures during the stay in the "Behouden Huys" and the journey back home in two small open vessels.