In, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, beginnende met het Jaer 1621 (...) ende eyndigende met begin van 't Jaer 1669. The Hague, J. Vely, J. Tongerloo and J. Doll, 1669-1672, 6 parts in 7 volumes, with engr. frontispiece and engr. portrait in the first part, contemp. uniform blindstamped vellum, backs with raised bands with title in ink, folio.
Frontispiece cut slightly short. Vol. II dam. to backstrip without loss of vellum. Lovely, complete set.
*Lieuwe van Aitzema (1600-1669) was a Dutch diplomat, historian, spy for England during the First and Second Anglo-Dutch Wars, bon vivant and libertine. Cleverness and sarcasm make his style intriguing and vivacious. Since he included a large number of official documents in his works, supplied with his commentary, they are still considered of great importance to present-day historians. (*source: Wikipedia). (total 7)