[Maaskamp. Fouquet] Nieuwe atlas van de voornaamste gebouwen,
en gezigten der stad Amsterdam, met derzelver beknopte beschryvingen. Amsterdam, E. Maaskamp, (1805). Folio, h-leather, marbled sides, rebound, new endpapers, title on spine in red and gilt, h-title, title. 120 unnumb. pp. and index. Double-p. engr. Amsterdam plan by J. Fouquet Jr. and 101 (of 102) double-p engr. views (3x fold.) mainly after H.P. Schoute, J. de Beyer and R. Vinkeles,
Lacks the plate "Het uitgaan van den nieuwen Schouwburg". The plate: "Het Werkhuis" was replaced by " 'T Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart", signed in the plate by P. Conradi and V. v.d. Plaats. Sm. bookplate on first endpaper D. de Zwart Jr. Some foxing, occas. thumbing and soiling; 1 fold. plate w. tear. Spine reatt. and sl. rubbed at extremities, sides sl. chafed, else a very good copy of this famous Amsterdam plate-atlas.