Collection of prints and print series concerning the death of William IV, Prince of Orange
(1) Afbeelding van de zaal en 't praalbed waar op het lyk van zyne doorluchtige hoogheid den heere Willem Karel Hendrik Friso, prince van Oranje en Nassau (...) geduurende verscheidene dagen, in de maanden november en december des jaars MDCCLI, ten toon is gesteld geweest (...). Naauwkeuriglyk nageteekend door den heere De Swart (...) en in het kooper gebragt door Jan Punt. Amst., Fr. Changuion, 1752. 8 p. Folio. Letterpress text and 4 double-p. engr. w. captions in Dutch and French, loose as issued. The plates depict general views of the ornamentation of the room w. the deathbed, a view of the room filled with visitors and a plan of the room.
Final letterpress leaf torn, stained and w. sm. holes, plates sl. stained/ foxed in margins and w. occas. marg. tears. Loosely inserted in: (2) P. van Cuyk Junior and J. Punt. Lyk-staetsie van zyne doorluchtigste hoogheid Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, prince van Orange en Nassau (...). Gehouden den IV. Februari MDCCII. Naeuwkeurig nagetekent door P. van Cuyk, Junior, en in het kooper gebragt door J. Punt. The Hague, printed by D. Monnier for P. Gosse Junior and N. van Daalen, 1755. Large folio. Contemp. boards, 40 letterpress p. w. Dutch and French text in 2 columns (warranted in pen by Pieter Gosse Junior at the end), title w. engr. vignette, and 41 double-p. engr. plates. Contents partly waterst. in (very wide) blank margins, occas. foxed/ fingersoiled, binding worn, some parts of paper over covers and entire leather back strip lacking. Also loosely inserted: (3) Willem Carel Hendrik Frizo. Laatste eere ofte historische beschryving en naauwkeurige afbeeldinge der plechtige begraaf-ceremonie, bewezen aan het vorstelyke lichaam van wylen zyne doorl. hoogh. The Hague, D. Langeweg, 1752. Newsprint on 2 attached sheets, total size 46 x 99 cm, w. a large engr. frieze by J. Besoet, above extensive letterpress legend explaining 100 sections of the burial procession. Library stamp verso, folded several times and w. some repairs of folds. -and 2 more related prints (incl. 1 other newsprint) loosely inserted. Rare collection of related occasional prints and print series, sold as a collection of prints, not subject to return. See also lot 1682 and the preceding lot (total 2 print series and 3 loose prints)