
LOT 1683

Three (rare) titles: (1) Lijkrede op den wel-edelen heer Leonardus Franciscus de Bruijn,

gehouden in de R.K. kerk te Zeist, den 29 april 1861, door Jac. Joz. Putman, kanunnik van het Metropolitaan Kapittel en pastoor te Utrecht. Privately publ., printed in Schoonhoven by S.E. van Notten, n.d. (1862). 32 p. 4to. Orig. blindst. black cl. by H.A. van den Heuvel (Utrecht), imitation watered silk endpapers, mounted photogr. frontisp., "porcelain card" title. The author dedicated this publ. (beautifully printed in various types) to "Mevrouw de weduwe Leonardus Franciscus de Bruijn, geb. Petronella van Zuilen", the introd. is signed "Utrecht, op den feestdag van O.L.V. Boodschap [= March 25], 1862".

Lower inner hinge broken, sl. foxing/ stains, spine worn. Extremely rare occasional publ. Added: an example of the rather early use of orig. photography in a book, here depicting the "Mausoleum (...) op het R.C. Kerkhof te Zeist". The cemetery became a municipal monument in 1987 and a national monument in 1999, with the tomb of De Bruijn (1784-1861) as one of the main reasons. -and 2 others, incl. 1 other publ. (on cemetery Eik-en-Duinen, 1876) w. mounted photograph. (total 3)

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