
LOT 1685
SOLD €200,00

[Amsterdam] Collection of approx. 25 manuscripts and printed items,

1672 to ca. 1900, concerning the burial-related profession of "aanspreker", such as so-called "lees-cedullen", receipts, a placard, a few prints and some photographs.

Collection of many unique or rare items, from the collection of G. Koning Jr., with his owner's entry on most of the items. Incl. a.o.: (1) "Lees-Cedul van Eva Maria van Reynberg overleeden binnen Amsterdam den [day not stated] Juny begraven, den 11 Juny 1785 op 't Leydse Kerkhoff." Manuscript list of 69 names on recto of 4 thread bound lvs., each measuring 55 x 20 cm. Folded. W. the original black silk binding-ribbon loose, but present. (2) "Lees-Cedul ter begraaffenisse van Willem van Leeuwenburg. Dingsdag [sic] den 16e Aug.s 1791 in de Zuyderkerk." Manuscript list of 70 names on recto of 5 lvs., a 6th leaf listing the "Begrafenis onkosten", each leaf measuring 40 x 16 cm. Folded. Sm. holes of former binding thread in lower blank margin. (3-4) Two similar "lees-cedullen" for the burial of Innis (Teunis?) Poelman (n.d., ca. 1800), 5 thread bound lvs. and "Lees Zeel wegens het overlijden van Maria Oversteegen weduwe van van Teunis Poleman". 1828, 2 lvs. (5) "Aansprekers Wapen". Satyrical coat-of-arms held by 2 skeletons, 19th cent., flanked by (fictitious) coats of arms of "Doodenburg", "Schragenburg", "UE Dienaar" and "Trekkenburg" and topped by "Lees-cedul ter begr. van Joris overl.", tipped-onto mount. (6) "Costuum van de bedienaren der begrafenis bezorging te Amsterdam. Directie A.C. Smits. Prinsengracht bij de Weteringstraat, 606." Letterpress envelope dated "mei 1881" in manuscript, containing two cabinet-sized photogr. of men in professional costumes (envelope torn). (7-12) Six letterpress items concerning "Begr(a)avenis Societeit onder de zinspreuk In droefheid verkwikkende" (founded in Amst. in 1778), comprising a list of names of its members divided in 10 classes, the rules of the Society (8 p., signed and dated in pen by the directors and the accountant). -and 4 loose sm. receipts (1795). (total approx. 25)

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