[North Brabant] Six maps of Grave and surroundings:(1) Gravia Obsessa
et Expugnata Armis Ord. Belg. Conf. Ab Illustrissimo Principe Mauritio. 1602. Amst., Joan Blaeu, 1649. 39 x 53 cm. Copper engr., title in cartouche, text verso in Latin. Siege and fortifications w. other defensive works around Grave.
(2) Plan Grave w. fortifications and Coats of Arms. 42 x 53 cm. Copper engr., verso Latin text. (3) Another plan. Idem. Paper browned. (4) Fort. plan Grave. Frankfurt, G.G. Priorato, 1683. -and 2 Blaeu lvs. w. fortifications.(total 6)