[North Brabant] Collection of eight maps of Den Bosch
w. surroundings and Zaltbommel w. Bommelerwaard: (1) Accuratissima Ditionis Silvae-Ducensis Tabula. Amst., Henricus Hondius, ca. 1630. 42 x 54.5 cm. Col. copper engr., backed w. Japanese paper.
(2) Crèvecoeur assiegé par le Marechal de Turenne 1672. Chevalier de Beaurain. Paris. 22 x 30 cm. Col. copper engr., w. the village of Hempel (Empel) near Den Bosch. (3) Bommelia Obsessa w. plan of Bommel and some fortifications. Amst., Joan Blaeu, 1649. 42 x 53 cm. Shows the Siege in 1599 between the Spanish (Duke de Mendoza) and the Dutch (Prince Maurits from Nassau). Copper engr. -and 5 others (mainly) showing fortifications. (total 8)