
LOT 1703
SOLD €800,00

William Frederick, count of Nassau-Dietz. Rouw-staetelijcke lijck-pracht in de uyt-vaert

en begraeffenisse van (...) Prince Wihelm Frederich, Vorst tot Nassauw (...) overleden binnen Leeuwarden, na (...) een onversiene pistool-schoot, acht dagen kranck te bedde hadde gelegen, den een-entwintichsten October, M.DC.LXIV, en aldaer (...) den vijfthienden december M.DC.LXIV (...) ter aerde bestelt. Series of 25 numb. engr. of the funeral procession, by M. Noé and C. Appeus after F. Carré, the extensive text engr. by P. Langweer, (Leeuwarden), "Authores et editores Sixtus Regneri Arumtsma, Allardus Stellingwerf et Sachaeus Sibema", 1666. Names of the artists and publ. on leaf 25, w. letterpress leaf with explanation, all lvs. approx. 23 x 59 cm, all mounted at upper margin under individual passe-partouts.

Professionally restored copy w. sm. repaired tears and dam./ sl. moulded spots (esp. the first and final few plates), plate 15 cut inside the borderline at upper margin, in all left margins, 2 sm. repaired holes indicate the spot at which the prints were originally tied together with a simple binding thread. A (very) good, rare copy. Muller, hist. prints, 2199-b; Atlas van Stolk 2305; Hollstein Dutch Noé 26; Hollstein Dutch Apeus 5. (total 26)

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